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The wounded planet can recover


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The wounded planet can recover

Article of Dr Penelope Stavrakis in ECOTECH magazine (March 2007) with regard to the planet environmental issues. Threats and recovery ways.

In the seven threatening ecological issues, science and technology have answers. The subject of research is the political will and -mainly - a global mobilisation
By: Dr. Penelope Stavrakis, geologist-geochemist-environmentalist

Making an assessment of all the data that characterize the present environmental situation in world scale and looking at the future with reflection, we lead that four are the more basic messages that we take through this investigation of present and future. These four messages are:

- Planet Earth is threatened by serious environmental deviations.
- Required right briefing and environmental education from small age.
- Research and Technique can, with driver the word of truth and Science, give the right solutions deterring the threat of these mortal deviations.
- Salvation of our Planet is affair of all of us, including persons that are found in the decision centres and also simple citizens. No one of us is not devoid of responsibilities and for this reason all the people of earth should be aroused, as a team peacefully, with sincerity and will.

Seven are, as we know, the big ecological problems that we leave ungrateful heritage in the children of the 21 st century.
1. Global Warming
2. Creation of Ozon Holes due to the decrease of stratospheric ozon
3. (Acid rain)
4. Pollution of hydrosphere
5. Species Extinction
6. Decrease of drinkable water in global scale
7. Overpopulation

Growth was the sovereign demand in the beginning of the 20 st century when "he machine" entered persons life, as the population of earth was still 1,6 billions. Mass production of industrial goods, growth of technology, transport, natural resources exploitation and energy sources was imperative for the diet and survival of earth population, which in 2006 had reached 6,5 billions. However from the use, were head to abuse, not keeping moderate rhythm. Over-consumption, thoughtless exploitation of natural resources, deviations of rivers, deforestations, chemical fertilizers and parasiticide overuse, are some of the main reasons that caused inflation of pollutions and continuous collapse of ecosystems. However it's a rule that, when do not respect Nature's laws, nature always reacts, never forgets end finally punishes.

We are not opposite of the growth. Nevertheless something like that would be a big fault for a planet with a population of 6,5 billions and with enormous needs of existence. As much as healthy environment we had, without growth we would reach in world hungriness. Consequently what it's required is a equitable, a viable or a sustainable, as it has been established as a term, growth and no growth over any sacrifice.

We consider that one of the leading interventions of E.U in the "environmental issue", is also the instruction and the application of Directive 2001/42/EC (EC, 2001) on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment or Directive on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) (EC, 2001). This Directive, avoids mentioning policies and aims and her objective is the promotion of Sustainable Development with high level environmental protection and also the incorporation of environmental issues in the preparation and establishment of certain plans and programmes, and more specific the promotion of Sustainable Spatial Design, which it intends to functions. The concept of Sustainable Development has been infiltrated in all the sectors of scientific thought from 80s, due to 'Brundtland report ("Our common future", WCED, 1987) and it's a happy case that has undeniably influences the form of the Strategic Environmental Essessment, as well as the implementation efforts from the member states of EU. However a swallow does not bring the spring, so apart from the swallow that is called European Union, should be also aroused the rests that come from USA, China, Brazil, India and elsewhere, otherwise we will be led in the "Silent Spring", as Rachel Carson describes this in 1962 , in her classic book.